A Maximalist's Dream

This project is one of those that, for me, come along once in a blue moon. I hope to attract more decorative painting projects like this one in the future, as it was truly one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in my career as an artist.

The Before

The journey started in October 2022 when my clients first contacted me regarding their desire to paint their dining room. They shared some inspiring images that left me amazed – it was a maximalist's dream come true! Their vision involved treating the walls in a distinct way as well as enhancing the space with a trompe l'oeil coffered ceiling. Unafraid of vibrant colors and drawing inspiration from art and design worldwide, my clients were eager to create a unique and eclectic atmosphere. We began with the upper portion of the walls and let that set the tone for the rest of the finishes we created.

The First Phase - the Walls

We began with several meeting and emails and from that I produced prototypes before initiating the work on the walls. At that point, I received some difficult news, of which you may already be aware. Despite this, my clients were understanding and encouraging throughout. Once treatment commenced, I worked whenever I felt well enough. The last stretch of my journey involved a month of radiation, which I arranged to be nearby for convenience. Given the circumstances, I couldn't have hoped for a more favorable situation. 

gilded walls decorative painting chinoiserie hand painting

When it came to decorating the walls, my approach involved gilding with dutch metal followed by crafting a stylized chintz-like pattern which I transformed into a drop repeat design. Drawing inspiration from the original concept and various historical ornaments, I collaborated with the clients to finalize colors and make necessary adjustments. Subsequently, I crafted a large stencil to efficiently transfer the pattern onto the wall, where I meticulously hand-painted the intricate details. Over the span of several months, I received valuable assistance from a couple of artist friends who generously contributed their expertise. For those interested in a more detailed explanation of my process, I will be teaching a class on this technique at the upcoming IDAL conference in St. Louis this November.

The ceiling

The next step involved working on the ceiling. I developed a few different design options, drawing inspiration from the colors already in the room. Our goal wasn't for everything to perfectly match, but rather to create a sense that the space had evolved over time, with each generation leaving their own unique touch. The clients shared pictures of a Catholic Church in New Jersey that they admired. The intricate coffered ceiling in the church was lighter and more delicate than our original idea, which I thought complemented the walls well. I also incorporated some hidden details that held sentimental value for the clients.

Installation of the mural on the ceiling

After creating the painting of the ceiling on canvas in my studio, I sought the help of two skilled paperhangers to efficiently install it within a day. Enroll in my class and you'll also get a complimentary copy of my e-book “The Art of Painting Murals on Canvas.”

The Final Phase-Wainscoting and Trim

The last step involved the wainscoting and moulding, which sparked a discussion on whether to go with a dark or light treatment. Given that this room was essentially my creation, I strived for the perfect complement. With the trust of my clients, I felt the dark green was the right choice to to unify the space. Our ultimate decision was to paint it a deep, cool green, accented with gold leaf highlights. Additionally, I designed the ceiling border to harmonize with the organic walls, transitioning smoothly to the more geometric ceiling. Incorporating a floral motif inspired by a church in the client's grandmother's Sicilian village added a sentimental touch to the space.

The Result

In my opinion, the room is truly spectacular. I am completely enamored with the final result, and I plan to return for professional photos once the window treatments have been completed and installed.

What do you think? I would love to hear your opinion on this project. And if you are interested in discussing your ideas for a project of your own, please reach out!