Blog — Lenehan Studios

Following Georgia O'Keeffe; my trip to New Mexico

This past winter I decided to take myself on a trip to New Mexico, a place I had never stepped foot. I was searching for a workshop of sorts and stumbled across a Georgia O'Keeffe retreat hosted by the Ghost Ranch. I decided to sign up and spend the week and a half following the retreat driving across the state.

The workshop was hosted at Casa Del Sol in a restricted part of the ranch. O'Keeffe's iconic ranch house is located along the drive. We took day trips to painting locations, walking where she walked to see what she was inspired by. An assistant by the name of Margaret Wood came to talk with us one evening about what it was like to work for Mrs. O'Keeffe. She wrote a cook book which includes many of her recipes. Before this trip I appreciated O'Keeffe as an artist but now I really admire her spirit of independence and grit especially in an era that most women were constrained to traditional female roles. Most of the days it snowed but there were occasional breaks in the weather where we could see Padernal across the valley. We used the time to sketch and paint whatever inspired us.

I then traveled south to Santa Fe where I had an appointment at the Georgia O'Keeffe museum to see her personal notes, color chips, and sketches. No photos were allowed. Seeing these artifacts really created a sense of intimacy. I really enjoyed seeing how she worked. After, I wandered around the city exploring and met some great artists. Took a couple day trips, one to Madrid to visit Harvey Shugarman's chocolate shop, and another to Taos.

Then I was off to Silver City to explore the Gila National Forest, visit artist studios, and meet more amazing people. I fell in love with New Mexico and hope to return again soon.

Things Are Looking Up...

So lots of good things have been happening in my little world in the past few months and I wanted to tell you about some of it... First of all, THANK YOU to all of the folks who came to my show "Still Standing" hosted by Pure Wine Cafe and presented by HorseSpirit Arts Gallery in Ellicott City. What a thrill it was to be able to share with you my work and see all of my pieces hung together in one space. If you followed me in the process of creating my solo show, "Still Standing," you know how the last two years have been for me and the struggles I have overcome to make this happen.

feeling accomplished solo show lenehan studios fine art painting baltimore maryland.jpeg

This show, for me, was really a dream come true. Looking back at the work created, the opening reception, the love I received, I am overflowing with joy. I am grateful to have so many people in my life that love me and support my work. I never really considered myself a "fine artist," and never thought I would have the need for true self expression. I now have a desire to continue down this path and see what I can do with it. Perhaps I will enter into some juried exhibitions, and maybe approach some galleries in the region. I will also have prints of the works that were on display in my new eCommerce shop! You can also click "Shop" in the menu bar above. And both "Retired" and "Moved on are on display and available for purchase at HorseSpirit Arts Gallery. If you are interested in the other paintings that were in the show please contact me. Thank you to those of you who bought pieces!

I am planning to create some new works, having been inspired by my recent two-week solo trip to New Mexico this past April. I'll be sharing that in a following post. I am in love with the west, and there was so much inspiration for me that I know I'll be back.



In addition, I have also begun to sell my jewelry. I've never considered it before but a close friend kept encouraging me and so I finally decided to go for it. Again, it's in my new eCommerce shop.   And if you are local, you can see some of my pieces in person at my friend Kelly's new shop "Made on Main" on Main Street Ellicott City (of course!)

Amber Cabochon

Amber Cabochon

Speaking of jewelry, I have been ruminating on the idea of working that into my fine art. I am not really sure how yet, but thought I would put it out there and see what comes back to me in the form of inspiration. I just took a workshop at the Baltimore Jewelry Center with Robert Ebendorf, who happens to live in Santa Fe! More on that to come.

There are a few other things that are happening but I am not ready to share yet. They are big and exciting and scary and thrilling and I can't wait until they're more materialized so that I can tell you all about them!

So please keep in touch and find me on Instagram and Facebook.

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The Show Must Go On


I am incredibly excited to announce that my first solo show, "Still Standing," is on! As some of you may know, my show was scheduled to open in September of last year at Perspectives Gallery on Main Street in Ellicott City. However, due to the flood, the show had to be postponed. In retrospect I feel that it was a blessing because I was rushing to get work completed and really wasn't enjoying the process of creating. With a little luck and a lot of hard work by many folks, I am excited to announce that my show is happening! "Still Standing" is presented by HorseSpirit Arts Gallery and be hosted at  Pure Wine Cafe in Ellicott City. I couldn't be more grateful for the help of Robin Holliday of HorseSpirit Arts Gallery and PJ Strain of Pure Wine Cafe for working with me to make this happen.

The details:

Still Standing Deanne Marie Lenehan Presented by HorseSpirit Arts Gallery and Hosted by Pure Wine Cafe March 13, 2017-May 28, 2017 Opening Reception March 13th 6-9pm

And its apropos that the show will be opening in March since that is my mother's birthday month. This show is dedicated to her because it was with her encouragement that I began this journey of self expression. I've also decided to change my business name (again) and feel that this is a great time to make that change. So please make a note that Cunningham Studios will now be known as Lenehan Studios. New look, same great taste ;)

I hope many of you can make it to the opening. I'm so thrilled to share my personal work with you.

DC Design House

This year I am privileged to say that I contributed to the fabulous room, "Chic Retreat" by  Barbara Brown Interiors at the DC Design House.



"The 9th annual D.C. Design House opens to the public October 1, 2016. Each year, one local home has every single room redesigned by local interior designers and architects.

Located at 2509 Foxhall Road, NW, this year's house is a whopping 11,242 square feet, and most recently served as a temporary house for the French ambassador while his real home was under construction. The home has five floors, seven bedrooms, three kitchens, eight full bathrooms, an infinity pool, a wine cellar and sauna.

All furnishings and accessories in the house are for sale -- and so is the home itself, which is listed for a cool $10.8 million, according to the Design House website.

Proceeds from this month-long event benefit Children’s National Health System. The house closes Oct. 30." -NBC4

Barbara Brown Interiors designed the "Chic Retreat" which is on the top floor.  A lady's study/retreat/reading room has been expertly curated with chinoiserie inspired accessories, custom designed and built furniture, and features soothing colors and textures, but not without the occasional surprise.  I was asked to create chinoiserie monochromatic vignettes on the walls as well as verre eglomise surfaces for both the writing desk and built in cabinet top.











Unveiling of Ellicott City Mural





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Earlier this month I was honored to unveil my painting of Ellicott City donated to the Howard County Government.  My dear friends from high school, Theo Schlossnagle and Lisa Marini Schlossnagle donated the funds to purchase the mural which went to the Ellicott City Partnership for their Flood Relief Fund.  Fatimah Waseem wrote an excellent article detailing the event.

With the sale of the prints and the original mural, Cunningham Studios was able to raise $6500.00 toward the Flood Relief fund! Thank you!!
