Each year, instead of focusing on a rigid new year’s resolution, I like to choose a word that’s acts as a reminder as I set my intentions.
2017 - A Deeper, Truer ME
In 2017 my word was “grateful”. It was a year where I really started the process of rebuilding my business and life.
Back in 2012, I opened my first studio in Ellicott City and I remember feeling as though I had really made it as an artist. Fast forward to 2015, I went through a bunch of personal stuff that really knocked me on my ass, followed by 2016’s first devastating flood in EC that knocked all of us on our asses.
For me, there was nothing left to do but feel gratitude at the end of it all. The life that I had created was no more and I had to get focused on what I wanted it to be, starting with gratitude.
From one of my journal entries during that time…
“In the place of what used to be is the possibility of a fresh start. A clear view over the hills and valleys emerge, waiting to be fertilized and give birth to new growth. You have the opportunity to fill them with the purest, healthiest, and most beautiful trees, flowers, and grasses. You now have the change to cultivate a deeper, truer you.”
2018 - Patience is passion tamed
In 2018 I chose the word “patience” because I can get very frustrated when I don’t see immediate results from the work I put in. Being a visual artist; the fruits of my labor are physically tangible.
When marketing and promoting my business, it is difficult to see if it’s paying off because there’s no immediate evidence to validate my efforts. I need to constantly remind myself that things will happen when I am ready to receive them.
I had to learn that the patience that the momentum I’d been building would eventually gain speed and energy. I chose to keep my focus on the long game.
During that time, a lot of great things happened - I opened my new studio in Catonsville, celebrated 10 years without a “real” job, and kept my promise to myself to travel somewhere new each year by going to Morocco.
With the good, came the struggles. I struggled with motivation, with overwhelm and with feelings of inadequacy. But through it, I remained patient.
The 2019 Word of the year was…

This year, I learned to let go of the expectations I set for myself and instead and went with the flow. I tried to have confidence that the foundation I’d been laying for years had prepared me, and for the most part, I think it did!
Some highlights from the year…
Created the interactive art show “Indulgence” with my dear friend Cathy Ferguson. Indulgence was hosted by Pure Wine Cafe and showcased both fine art as well as food and drink that pertained to the idea of “indulging” ones’ senses.
I was accepted into Salon and traveled to Chamonix, France to participate as well as learn from fellow decorative artisans.
I taught a number of abstract art classes at my studio.
I worked with Pam Long photography to create a portfolio of professional images to use across my marketing platforms.
I was accepted into several juried art shows including the George Billis Gallery’s Summer Invitational in New York City, and the Maryland Federation of Art’s Juried Show “Visual Harmony” where I was awarded First place for “Moved On” by Maryland First Lady Yumi Hogan.
I participated in Baltimore magazine’s “Women Who Move Maryland” where the proceeds go toward American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women Campaign.
Each March, I dedicate 10% of any project booked to Small Miracles Cat and Dog Rescue in honor of my mother who spent time volunteering and fostering kittens for them.
I added New LS Home designs and plan to use some in my own home while redecorating my house.
I taught my CEU course for Interior Designers; “Timeless Finishes and Current Trends in Decorative Painting” on several occasions including at the Century Furniture Showroom at the Washington Design Center.
I participated in Resource Day at the Washington Design Center.
We completed several projects in the Ellicott City Design House for designers Wendy Appleby (Your Home By Wendy), Paula Henry (Simply Put Interiors), Carol Weil (The Decorating Therapist), and Sanctuary Interiors.
Our local chapter of the International Decorative Artisans League, the Greater Maryland Decorative Artisans, began talks with Ronald McDonald House Maryland to complete a philanthropic project for their home in Baltimore.
My best friend and I travelled to Cuba to learn more about their culture history (blogpost coming soon talking all about my trip!!)
I established working relationships with several new designers! (Thank you!)
Had my best fiscal year EVER!
My 2020 word of the year is…
THRIVE! I chose thrive because I feel that I am finally reaping the rewards of the work I put in these last few years. It’s a pretty amazing thing to look back and see how far you’ve come. I am grateful for the people who have helped me along the way and have had faith in me and my work.
Looking forward to 2020, I hope to maintain the momentum I’ve built and accomplish a few goals. If I put it in writing, it usually comes true so fingers crossed!
• Raise $2500 for Small Miracles this March. If you book a job in March, 10% of the project will go towards Small Miracles Cat & Dog Rescue in Ellicott City. As I mentioned, my mother spent time volunteering and fostering kittens for them and it’s one the ways I like to honor and remember her. Let me know if you’re interested!
• Paint more for myself. I haven’t completed a personal painting in a while so my goal is to paint 3 this year.
• Update and continue to teach my CEU. I’ll be posting the upcoming events on Instagram & Facebook as well as in my monthly newsletter.
• Expand LS Home to include metallic and grasscloth grounds for wall coverings.
• Add 3-5 more designs to LS Home.
• Learn how to create a repeat pattern in Illustrator (this has been on my list for two years!)
• Teach Bronwyn more about decorative painting and employ her full time.
• Create more glass art. Speaking of, I have a glass painting with alcohol inks workshop scheduled for March 26th 7-9pm. Early bird pricing until 3/1. You can see all my of upcoming workshops here.
• Have at least 5 mural commissions.
• Have at least 5 custom art commissions.
Also, I’m having fun sharing more behind-the-scenes videos on my Instagram stories this year. Follow along if you’re the type of person that actually does like to see how the sausage is made.
I want to hear your words of the year!! Let me know what your focus is for 2020 so I can cheer along with you.
P.S. To be kept up to date with news and events, you can subscribe to my monthly newsletter!