Every year in January, I like to take a look back to assess the previous year. I am a huge proponent of setting personal and professional goals and I find that choosing a word of the year helps me to stay focused on the new year ahead. You can take a look back at some of my previous years here: 2020 | 2019
2020 was definitely a sucker punch to the gut. I recently looked at my goal list for 2020 and basically crossed it out and put 2021. In all seriousness, I did manage to take time to do projects around the house, work on some personal pieces, enter the Creative Alliance’s “BIG Show” with “Old Yellow”, and take some time to explore southern California (safely.)
I tried keeping a garden but had to admit to myself that I just don’t have the motivation to maintain such an endeavor. Perhaps next summer I’ll do more container gardening. The band that I play bass with, “Strings Attached,” doubled down on our practicing (safely) and we’ve written a few new songs and are excited to hopefully play out again soon.
Some of my goals, like teaching more classes and make more money didn’t exactly happen, but it’s not because of my own shortcomings. I am reworking my 2021 goals to focus more on virtual teaching and explore working from the studio- like murals and custom fine art which can be done in the studio and shipped anywhere (I also have an E-Book “The Art of Creating Murals on Canvas: A How-To Guide” which you can purchase here). Another avenue to explore is ecclesiastical and community facility work. Now is a prime opportunity for projects like that because these places are less populated due to the pandemic.
Working to Shift my Mindset
Ultimately, I am still working on that. As someone who places a lot of pressure on themselves to achieve their goals, and an admitted recovering perfectionist, it was hard at first to see my jobs slow down and some get delayed. However, I did have some fantastic projects that kept me inspired. I am trying harder to be easy on myself and allow myself to enjoy the downtime in order to let things happen organically.
Figuring out what’s really important
My health and my friendships, and of course my art have always been an important part of my life. I continued to stay active with the help of my quarantine workout friends from CrossFit Catonsville. Once the gym reopened with new safety protocol, my friends and I elected to return because we needed the community. I don’t think I would have made it through the year without my “fit fam” as we call ourselves. Being able to burn off nervous energy is part of what kept me sane.
I think as a business owner who had to deal with the Ellicott City flood of 2016, I was prepared in a way for how a shut down in business would be. I’ve dealt with hardships before and knowing that prepared me to be able to weather this storm…so to speak. Years ago, my therapist told me something that has stuck with me to this day - that I won’t end up under the bridge homeless. That statement has really helped me to keep things in perspective as I’ve dealt with everything that life throws my way.
I have incredible friends and a supportive family so if things did get bad, I could rely on them. Reminding myself of that, I haven’t had reason to fear because things always had a way of working out and that kept me grounded. Believing in the larger picture- that we are all in this- gave me confidence that we will all be okay.
I thankfully have not been directly affected by anyone contracting Covid-19 nor do I know anyone personally who became gravely ill. I have friends who have lost loved ones and I don’t want to make light of that fact. Couple the pandemic with an election year and I could have lost it completely. But staying focused on what I needed to accomplish in my life and keeping in contact with loved ones is what kept me going.
What the Word “Thrive” Meant to Me Before the Pandemic
Before the pandemic, I imagined “Thrive” meant to keep on doing awesome stuff - reveling in the professional achievements I’ve made like growing LS Home, teaching more interior designers the CEU I wrote, getting bigger projects, and traveling more. However now, I have realigned my thinking to mean thriving in my personal life, to take risks knowing that the reward could be amazing. There are a few people that helped me with that. But one special person made my 2020 one of my best years personally, and they know who they are.
A Look Back at my 2020 Goals - What I Was Able to Accomplish
“Finally believe that I am amazing.” (Almost there, though those self-doubts have a way of creeping in…ugh)
I updated my CEU but didn’t have any opportunities to teach this year.
Expand Teaching: While I couldn’t do any in-person teaching last year, this year I want to look at ways to take my classes to the virtual realm.
Do a new painting in a looser style: I actually did two pieces in graphite and charcoal. Really loving it. This year I want to learn more about oil painting and how to loosen up a little. Maybe even try some surrealism.
Sell 3 more copies of my mural e-book: I sold one at the beginning of the pandemic!
Get at least 5 mural commissions: I got two!
Second drawing in progress, not yet named. This one is in southeast Baltimore. Miss Ruthie supervising.
Your 2021 Word of the Year is…Adapt
I think “Adapt” is quite apropos considering the times. I don’t think 2021 is going to be much different than 2020 and we’ve all had to adapt in some way or another. I also believe that adapting our expectations of what can be done and not getting stuck on what we can’t do is the only way we will be able to make sense of this year.
The truth is, I probably wouldn’t have chosen the word “Adapt” as my word of the year, had 2020 not gone the way it did. Although, we all adapt to changes whether we do so eagerly or reluctantly. I’ve had to adapt to new circumstances throughout my life, some of which were major upheavals. Growing up I moved 7 times before 4th grade. I got used to being the new kid and actually started to like it. To be ready to shift when necessary has become a way of life, and it’s taught me to never take things for granted.
My 2021 Goals
My goals aren’t as numerous but still, I think it’s important to set a few so that you have something to strive towards.
Take my classes to a virtual platform, including my workshops and my CEU
This year I want to learn more about oil painting and how to loosen up a little. Maybe even try some surrealism.
Maintain my relationships with my current clients and designers.
Look at other means of income (fine art, jewelry, classes, virtual workshops)
Continue to update LS Home - “Artistically Curated Fabrics and Wallcoverings” (available on my site and at the Maryland Design Center)
Take care of some not so glamorous home projects so that I can sleep better at night.
Maintain my health both physically and emotionally: yoga, CrossFit, keeping up with my friends (safely,) reading more about spirituality/religion.
Looking forward to a couple of projects this winter, and a new fine art commission from a new design firm in Baltimore!!
What Are Your Goals this Year?
How did your 2020 shake out? What would your word be for 2021? Do you prefer choosing a word over resolutions? Why or why not?
STAY SAFE so we can BEAT this thing!!!!!!
Masks made from my painting, modeled by the lovely owner of said painting, Annie Pearce
Let’s work together in 2021!
Contact us about commissioning a custom piece of artwork, a custom mural, or any other project you’re dreaming up! We would love to talk about what you have in mind, answer any questions you may have, and if the feeling is right, schedule a consultation.