…and my word is…
I am just going to start with my word of the year. Instead of saving it for the end because why not? I want to start off with a bang! I chose “CONQUER” as my word for 2023. It’s pretty powerful and I wasn’t sure if I was worthy of such a word. However, the more I thought about it the more I liked it and felt that it encompasses everything I want to do in 2023.
Flexing my Viking strength in Bergen Norway
So how did I choose this word?
On New Year’s Eve, Evan and I went to a good friends home to celebrate with a small group. She always puts on a great party and this was no exception. We ate tons of food and played games. But the part that I really enjoyed was a kit for personalized bracelets she had found. The kit came with metal discs and a set of letters that you can hammer your word into the metal. My turn was coming up and I had no idea what to pick. I had to choose it quickly and suddenly “conquer” came into my mind. I just went with it and grew to really love it. I keep it on my wrist as a reminder.
What does “CONQUER” mean to me?
When I first thought of the word I immediately thought of the Romans, William the Conquerer, the Moors, the Conquistadors, and others. Then I dialed it back and thought, “ok, thats a bit much.” I imagined myself continually stepping out beyond my immediate business area and expanding (my word for 2022) my business into other markets such as NYC and LA. I’ve thought a lot about whether or not I should spell out my actual desires and put them into print for the world to see for fear of failure, but if I don’t then I won’t really commit.
(Above- a couple of projects from last year. Left- Main Line Philadelphia; Center - Upper East Side of Manhattan; Right- Los Angeles with LeGrande Studios)
Conquer also means to conquer my fear of failure, my feeling of not being good enough. When I see other artists on instagram I often compare my work to theirs and wonder why I don’t get jobs like theirs. But I need to constantly remind myself that the universe will give me exactly what I can handle, and frankly, I’ve handled a lot.
Finally I am in the process of conquering my recovery from shoulder surgery! I am feeling great and making steady progress each day. I hope to be back on the wall soon.
If you missed my 2022 recap feel free to take a look.
Do you have a word for 2023? I would love to hear it and what it means to you.
Contact me about commissioning a custom piece of artwork, a custom mural, or any other project you’re dreaming up! I’d love to talk about what you have in mind, answer any questions you may have, and if the feeling is right, schedule a consultation.
Feel free to email me or use the form below. Talk soon!